
Frame ID: MA23
Sample ID: Brazil Block Seam, Sw Indiana
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Sporinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Yellow fluorescing sporinite
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Sample ID: Brazil Block Seam, Sw Indiana
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Sporinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Yellow fluorescing sporinite
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Same field of view as MA22 under blue-light illumination. The sporinite macerals in this frame fluoresce a bright yellow. Note how the fluorescence reveals more details of the surface structure and the presence of microsporinite within the vitrinite matrix.