Graphites Scroll | Petrographic Atlas | SIU

Southern Illinois University



Crelling's Petrographic Atlas of Coals and Carbons

College of Science


Frame ID: G01


Frame ID: G01

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 50x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Intergrowths of graphite crystals in Ceylon lump graphite

High Resolution Image (300 dpi)

Description: The different colored areas are of natural graphite at different optical orientations. Note the nature of the crystal intergrowths.

Frame ID: G02


Frame ID: G02

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 50x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Coarse flake graphite

High Resolution Image (300 dpi)

Description: The natural graphite flakes are seen in cross-section. They are isotropic except where strain has introduced anistropy.

Frame ID: G03


Frame ID: G03

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 50x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Coarse flake graphite

High Resolution Image (300 dpi)

Description: The natural graphite flakes are seen in cross-section. They are isotropic except where strain has introduced anistropy. Note the well developed layering.

Frame ID: G04


Frame ID: G04

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 20x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Filler and binder phases in nuclear graphite

High Resolution Image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical pile grade moderator graphite. The large particle is filler phase needle coke set in a finer grained binder phase. The dark areas are pores. This graphite is anistropic.

Frame ID: G05


Frame ID: G05

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 20x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Filler coke in nuclear graphite

High Resolution Image (300 dpi)

Description: This sample is a fine-grained moderator graphite with filler phase of spherical particles of Gilsocarbon (a carbon produced by heat treating gilsonite which is a naturally occurring solid hydrocarbon). The spherical shape of the gilsocarbon and the fine-grained binder phase give this graphite isotropic properties.

Frame ID: G06


Frame ID: G06

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 50x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Fine-grained nuclear graphite

High Resolution Image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a fine-grained sleeve graphite with isotropic properties due to the fine size of the filler coke.

Frame ID: G07


Frame ID: G07

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 50x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Filler coke in graphite crucible

High Resolution Image (300 dpi)

Description: The large fragment in the center of the frame is needle coke as a filler phase set in a coarse- grained binder phase. This sample is typical of graphite used in laboratory crucibles.

Frame ID: G08


Frame ID: G08

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 50x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Fine-grained graphite

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a very fine-grained sleeve graphite with isotropic properties due to the fine size of the filler coke.

Frame ID: G09


Frame ID: G09

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 5x air

Polarizer: Out

Analyzer: Out

Retarder Plate: Out

Filter: None

Important Features: Graphite anode paste

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows two pellets of green anode paste. Note the large petroleum coke fragment in the core of each pellet surrounded by finer coke particles and pitch.

Frame ID: G10


Frame ID: G10

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 10x air

Polarizer: Out

Analyzer: Out

Retarder Plate: Out

Filter: None

Important Features: Green anode paste

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows two pellets of green anode paste that have coalesced. Again, note the large petroleum coke fragment in the core of each pellet surrounded by finer coke particles and pitch.

Frame ID: G11


Frame ID: G11

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 10x air

Polarizer: Out

Analyzer: Out

Retarder Plate: Out

Filter: None

Important Features: Graphite anode paste

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows two pellets of green anode paste that have coalesced. The large particle at the lower right is petroleum coke and the large particle at the top left is a recycled fragment of used anode material. Note the differences between these two fragments.

Frame ID: G12


Frame ID: G12

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 10x air

Polarizer: Out

Analyzer: Out

Retarder Plate: Out

Filter: None

Important Features: Green anode paste

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows an area of green anode paste at the left and some sponge coke at the right.

Frame ID: G13


Frame ID: G13

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 10x air

Polarizer: Out

Analyzer: Out

Retarder Plate: Out

Filter: None

Important Features: Graphite anode paste

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows two pellets of green anode paste that have coalesced. There is a large particle of petroleum coke at the left and an anode butt fragment on the right. The zone in the middle has an excess of void space due to a lack of pitch. Note the elongate shape of the voids. This area is a zone of weakness.

Frame ID: G14


Frame ID: G14

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 10x air

Polarizer: Out

Analyzer: Out

Retarder Plate: Out

Filter: None

Important Features: Green anode paste

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows two pellets of green anode paste that have coalesced. There are large particles of petroleum coke at the left and right. The zone in the middle has an appropriate amount of void space that indicates that this mix has been properly pitched.

Frame ID: G15


Frame ID: G15

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 10x air

Polarizer: Out

Analyzer: Out

Retarder Plate: Out

Filter: None

Important Features: Graphite anode paste

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical green anode paste with petroleum coke fragments of various sizes, but an excessive amount of pitch.

Frame ID: G16


Frame ID: G16

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 10x air

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: Out

Filter: None

Important Features: Green anode paste

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame is the same as B7, but with the polarizer and analyzer in. Note how the change in optical conditions enhances the identification of the various phases present.

Frame ID: G17


Frame ID: G17

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 10x air

Polarizer: Out

Analyzer: Out

Retarder Plate: Out

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite anode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical baked anode with petroleum coke fragments at the top and bottom and carbonized pitch and finer coke fragments in the middle.

Frame ID: G18


Frame ID: G18

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 10x air

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: Out

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite anode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame is the same as C1, but with the polarizer and analyzer in. Note how the change in optical conditions enhances the identification of the various phases present.

Frame ID: G19


Frame ID: G19

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 10x air

Polarizer: Out

Analyzer: Out

Retarder Plate: Out

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite anode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical baked anode with petroleum coke fragments but with an excess of pore space due to lack of pitch.

Frame ID: G20


Frame ID: G20

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 10x air

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: Out

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite anode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical baked anode with petroleum coke fragments but with an excess of pore space due to lack of pitch. Note how the change in optical conditions enhances the identification of the various phases present.

Frame ID: G21


Frame ID: G21

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite anode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical baked anode with petroleum coke fragments (some needle coke) but with an excess of pore space due to lack of pitch.

Frame ID: G22


Frame ID: G22

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite anode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical baked anode with petroleum coke fragments. Note the good bonding of the coke fragments on the left and the poor bonding on the right.

Frame ID: G23


Frame ID: G23

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite anode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical baked anode with medium sized petroleum coke fragments.

Frame ID: G24


Frame ID: G24

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite anode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical baked anode with petroleum coke fragments. Note the good bonding of the coke fragments.

Frame ID: G25


Frame ID: G25

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite electrode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical baked electrode with petroleum coke fragments.

Frame ID: G26


Frame ID: G26

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite electrode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical baked electrode with large fragments of needle coke.

Frame ID: G27


Frame ID: G27

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite electrode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical baked electrode with petroleum coke fragments. Note the good bonding of the coke particles.

Frame ID: g28


Frame ID: G28

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite electrode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical baked electrode with petroleum coke fragments. Note the good bonding of the coke particles.

Frame ID: G29


Frame ID: G29

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite electrode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a baked electrode with petroleum coke fragments with excessive pore space due to insufficient binder pitch.

Frame ID: G30


Frame ID: G30

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite electrode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a baked electrode with petroleum coke fragments at the top and a graphatized recycled electrode fragment at the bottom.

Frame ID: G31


Frame ID: G31

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite electrode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical baked electrode with petroleum coke fragments (large pieces of needle coke). Note the parallel cracks along the long axis of the coke particles and the good bonding on the end of the same particles.

Frame ID: G32


Frame ID: G32

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Baked graphite electrode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a baked electrode with petroleum coke fragments that are well bonded.

Frame ID: G33


Frame ID: G33

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Graphatized graphite electrode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical graphatized electrode with petroleum coke fragments and anthracite (large pink fragment). The small yellow spots on the anthracite are vapor deposited carbon.

Frame ID: G34


Frame ID: G34

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Graphatized graphite electrode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical graphatized electrode with petroleum coke fragments and anthracite (green fragment).

Frame ID: G35


Frame ID: G35

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Graphatized graphite electrode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a typical graphatized electrode with petroleum coke fragments and anthracite (green fragment).

Frame ID: G36


Frame ID: G36

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Graphatized graphite electrode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a working face of a graphatized electrode. The needle-like crystals are silicon carbide and the hexagonal crystals are quartz.

Frame ID: G37


Frame ID: G37

Sample ID: Graphite

Magnification: As given

Illuminator: Vertical

Objective: 25x oil

Polarizer: In

Analyzer: In

Retarder Plate: In

Filter: None

Important Features: Graphatized graphite electrode

High Res image (300 dpi)

Description: This frame shows a graphatized electrode with anthracite (pink fragments). The yellow spots are vapor deposited carbon.