Frame ID: MA01

Maceral Group: Vitrinite
Maceral type: Telovitrinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Vitrinite with remnant plant cell structure
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description:The uniform gray material is vitrinite showing remnant plant cell structure that has survived the coalification process. In the ICCP classification this material is– telovitrinite but also called pseudovitrinite. The slit structures, in this case parallel to the direction of the cell structure, are common in this maceral.
Frame ID: MA02

Sample ID: Image of a fossil of lepidodrendron bark from Jennings (1990).
Retarder Plate:
Important Features:
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: A drawing of fossil tree bark from a Lepidodendron tree of Carboniferous age from the Caseyville Formation, Union Count, IL.This drawing is based on the work of Jennings (1990).
Frame ID: MA03

Sample ID: Elkhorn #3 seam Appalachian high volatile A bituminous coal, eastern Kentucky
Maceral Group: Vitrinite
Maceral type: Telovitrinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Vitrinite showing remnant plant cell structure
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The uniform gray material is vitrinite showing remnant plant cell structure that has survived the coalification process. In the ICCP classification this material is telovitrinite but also called pseudovitrinite. The slit structures, in this case perpendicular to the long axis of the cell structure, are common in this maceral.
Frame ID: MA04

Sample ID: Elkhorn #3 seam Appalachian high volatile A bituminous coal, eastern Kentucky
Maceral Group: Vitrinite
Macerla Type: Telovitrinite and Detrovitrinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Telovitrinite and detrovitrinite
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Telovitrinite (pseudovitrinite) on the right and detrovitrinite on the left of frame. Note the remnant cell structure and the serrated edges along the fracture in the telovitrinite. The lower reflectance and the included macerals of liptinite (dark) and inertinite (bright) in the detrovitrinite are characteristic of this maceral.
Frame ID: MA05

Sample ID: Elkhorn #3 seam Appalachian high volatile A bituminous coal, eastern Kentucky
Maceral Group: Vitrinite
Maceral Type: Telovitrinite and detrovitrinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Telovitrinite particle (upper right) with adjacent particles of detrovitrinite.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Vitrinite macerals: Large particle of telovitrinite showing remnant plant cell structure (upper right) with adjacent particles of detrovitrinite. The detrovitrinite shows no cell structure and acts as a matrix for dark particles of liptinite and bright particles of inertinite macerals.
Frame ID: MA06

Sample ID: Lower Kittanning Seam, Appalachian high volatile A bituminous coal, Pennsylvania
Maceral Group: Vitrinite
Maceral Type: Telovitrinite and Detrovitrinite
Coal Rank: High Volatile Bituminous A
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Detrovitrinite and telovitrinite macerals
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: A large particle of detrovitrinite at left, note the other liptinite macerals (dark) and inertinite macerals (light) included. The particle on right with no inclusions and higher reflectance is telovitrinite.
Frame ID: MA07

Sample ID: Elkhorn #3 Seam Appalachian high volatile A bituminous coal, eastern Kentucky
Maceral Group: Vitrinite
Maceral Type: Detrovitrinite and Gelovitrinite
Coal Rank: High volatile Bituminous A
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Detrovitrinite
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: A particle of detrovitrinite with inclusions of megaspores and microspores (dark) and semifusinite and fusinite (bright). The detrovitrinite acting as a matrix for other macerals is characteristic.
Frame ID: MA08

Sample ID: King Cannel, high volatile A bituminous coal, Utah
Maceral Group: Vitrinite
Maceral Type: Vitrodetrinite
Coal Rank: High Volatile bituminous A
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: out
Retarder Plate: out
Filter: None
Important Features: Vitrodetrinite
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The rounded medium gray particles are vitrodetrinite in a matrix that is mostly mineral matter.The detrovitrinite is vitrinite dispersed in a sedimentary rock.
Frame ID: MA09

Sample ID: Elkhorn #3 seam Appalachian high volatile A bituminous coal, eastern Kentucky
Maceral Group: Vitrinite
Maceral Type: Telinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Resinite cell fillings in vitrinite
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The uniform light gray material is vitrinite showing a well-developed remnant cell structure. The cells here are filled with much darker resinite. Compare the cell fillings here with the cell fillings in frames MA1 and MA3. The darker tone here indicates resinite. This is confirmed in frame MA 10 which is the same field in blue-light illumination.
Frame ID: MA10

Sample ID: Elkhorn #3 seam Appalachian high volatile A bituminous coal, eastern Kentucky
Maceral Group: Vitrinite
Maceral Type: Telinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Resinite cell fillings in vitrinite under blue-light illumination.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Same field of view as MA09 but in blue-light illumination. Note the yellow fluorescence of the resinite and the apparent lack of fluorescence of the vitrinite. Differences in fluorescence properties are commonly used to distinguish macerals from each other.
Frame ID: MA11

Sample ID: Herrin No. 6 seam, high volatile C bituminous coal, Illinois Basin, southern Illinois
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Resinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate:
Filter: None
Important Features: Large low reflectance resinite ovoid.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The large low reflectance structureless ovoid of resinite is a typical occurrence of this maceral. The dark brown color is commonbut the color can range from black to light gray in reflected white light.
Frame ID: MA12

Sample ID: Herrin No. 6 seam, high volatile C bituminous coal, Illinois Basin, Southern Illinois
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Resinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Large, low reflectance resinite ovoid in blue light illumination
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Same field of view of view as MA11 but under blue-light illumination. The yellow fluorescence of the resinite is light excited from the resinite. The presence of a dark rim around the outer surface of the maceral is a common feature and usually interpreted as a reaction rim caused by weathering.
Frame ID: MA13

Sample ID: Hartshorne seam, high volatile C bituminous coal, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Resinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Large ovoid of resinite
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The large ovoid of resinite is darker than normal for a resinite maceral.Note how the other macerals adjacent to the resinite are compressed around it. This feature is usually interpreted to indicate that the resinite was solidified before it was incorporated into the peat.
Frame ID: MA14

Sample ID: Hartshorne seam, high volatile C bituminous coal, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Resinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: A large ovoid of resinite fluorescing a bright yellow under blue-light illumination
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Same field of view as MA13 under blue-light illumination showing a resinite ovoid fluorescing a bright yellow. The presence of a dark rim around on the outer surface of the maceral is a common feature and usually interpreted as a reaction rim caused by weathering.
Frame ID: MA15

Sample ID: Hiawatha Seam, High volatile C bituminous coal, Wasatch Plateau, utah
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Resinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Angular particles of secondary resinite fluorescing different colors under blue-light illumination.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Angular particles of concentrated resinite fluorescing different colors under blue-light illumination. Green, yellow, and orange are the most common fluorescent colors. This field shows a number of crushed resinite particles that have been excited wih ultra-violet light which causes the resinite to full profile >>
Frame ID: MA16

Sample ID: Hiawatha Seam, high volatile C bituminous coal, wasatch Plateau, Utah
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Resinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Yellow fluorescing cleat-filling of resinite at right with very fine dark particles flowing into the cleat filling from the left.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Under blue-light illumination,an occurrence of cleat-filling resinite on the right and the host coal on the left. Note the swirling flow structure of fine coal particles flowing from the host coal into the vein filling. This structure indicates that the cleat-filling resinite was fluid at the time the fine particles were incorporated.
Frame ID: MA17

Sample ID: Hiawatha seam, high volatile C bituminous coal, Wasatch Plateau, Utah
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Resinite
Magnification: As given
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: A xenolith of coal in a cleat filling of resinite.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Under blue-light illumination the cleat-filling resinite fluoresces a bright greenish-yellow. Note the non-fluorescing particles included in the cleat. These are coal xenoliths swept into the cleat when the mobile resinite was injected into the cleat.
Frame ID: MA18

Sample ID: Hiawatha Seam, high volatile C bituminous coal, Wasatch Plateau, Utah
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Resinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Resinite showing zonation.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Under blue-light illumination, an ovoid of resinite fluoresces bright yellow with a darker center. This is a zoning texture possibly caused by phase separation or by multiple periods of resinite intrusion.
Frame ID: MA19

Sample ID: Hiawatha Seam, high volatile C bituminous coal, Wasatch Plateau, Utah
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Resinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Cross-cutting veins of resinite
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Under blue-light illumination,two intersecting resinite veins. The vertical vein fluoresces bright yellow while the horizontal vein fluoresces a much darker yellow. Because the vertical vein is cut by a perpendicular vein, the vertical vein must have been emplaced first. These cross-cutting vein indicate two different periods of resinite injection.
Frame ID: MA20

Sample ID: Elkhorn #3 seam Appalachian high volatile A bituminous coal, eastern Kentucky
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Sporinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: A dark sporinite maceral in the center of the field.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The dark folded structure in the center of the field is a typical megaspore. It shows the characteristic flattened-sphere structure resulting in a bilateral symmetry around a central fissure. The much smaller dark bodies are microspores with less developed symmetry.
Frame ID: MA21

Sample ID: Elkhorn #3 seam Appalachian high volatile A bituminous coal, eastern Kentucky
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Sporinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: A sporinite maceral fluorescing yellow under blue-light illumination.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Same field of view as MA20 under blue-light illumination. The megaspore fluoresces with a dull yellow color and the grainy texture is enhanced.
Frame ID: MA22

Sample ID: Brazil Block Seam, SW Indiana
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Sporinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Sporinite under white-light illumination showing a reflectance less than that of vitrinite
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The dark feature in the center of the frame is sporinite. It is characterized by its low reflectance and bilateral symmetry. The orange spot is due to internal reflections and is a common feature in megasporinite. A smaller sporinite maceral is also seen in the lower right.
Frame ID: MA23

Sample ID: Brazil Block Seam, Sw Indiana
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Sporinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Yellow fluorescing sporinite
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Same field of view as MA22 under blue-light illumination. The sporinite macerals in this frame fluoresce a bright yellow. Note how the fluorescence reveals more details of the surface structure and the presence of microsporinite within the vitrinite matrix.
Frame ID: MA24

Sample ID: Unnamed Seam, high volatile B bituminous coal, Colorado
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Sporinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: A fragment of vitrinite with included inertinite (white) and sporinite (dark)
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Sporinite is present as small dark features in this typical occurrence with higher-reflecting inertinite macerals.
Frame ID: MA25

Sample ID: Unnamed Seam, high volatile B bituminous coal, Colorado
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Sporinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: The sporinite macerals fluoresce a bright yellow under blue-light illumination.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Same field of view as MA24 under blue-light illumination. Note how the yellow fluorescing sporinite stands out. Thus, when petrographic analysis is done in blue light, the liptinite counts are always higher than in normal white-light analysis.
Frame ID: MA26

Sample ID: Hartshorne seam, high volatile A bituminous coal, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Cutinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Retarder Plate:Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Typical occurrence of crassicutinite.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The large dark feature is crassicutinite, a maceral derived from thick-walled. Note that one side is flat while the other side is crenulated. Although the nature of the crenulations varies, the difference in the two surfaces is typical.
Frame ID: MA27

Sample ID: Hartshorne seam, high volatile A bituminous coal, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Cutinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Crassicutinite fluorescing yellow under blue light illumination.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Same field as MA26 under blue-light illumination. Note the yellow fluorescence and the enhanced texture.
Frame ID: MA28

Sample ID: Brazil Block Seam, high volatile A bituminous coal, SW Indiana
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Cutinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: The linear dark features are tenuicutinite (thin-walled cutinite).
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The dark stringers running across the field are tenuicutinite (thin-walled cutinite).
Frame ID: MA29

Sample ID: Brazil Block Seam, high volatile A bituminous coal, SW Indiana
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Cutinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Tenuicutinite fluorescing under blue-light illumination.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Same field of view as MA28 under blue-light illumination. Note the yellow fluorescence and the crenulation on some of the surfaces. Also note how these features are easier to distinguish when the maceral observed under fluorescent light.
Frame ID: MA30

Sample ID: Brazil Block Seam, high volatile A bituminous coal, SW Indiana
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Cutinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: The dark feature is cutinite.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The large dark linear feature is cutinite. Note the internal reflections and the lack of observable detail.
Frame ID: MA31

Sample ID: Brazil Block, high volatile A bituminous coal, SW Indiana
Maceral Group: Liptinite
Maceral Type: Cutinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: Out
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate:Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Cutinite fluorescing yellow under blue light illumination.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: Same frame as MA30 under blue-light illumination. Note the crenulations and the enhanced detail observable under fluorescent light.
Frame ID: MA32

Sample ID: Pittsburgh Seam, high volatile A bituminous coal, Pennsylvania
Maceral Group: Inertinite
Maceral Type: Fusinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Typical occurrence of fusinite
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The open cell-wall structure with a very high reflectance is characteristic of fusinite. The cell-wall structure is believed to be charred and coalified remnant plant cell-wall structure.Charred wood (charcoal) has a similar appearance.
Frame ID: MA33

Sample ID: Pittsburgh Seam, high volatile A bituminous coal, Pennsylvania
Maceral Group: Inertinite
Maceral Type: Fusinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Typical occurrence of fusinite.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: This particle of fusinite shows the high reflectance and open cell structure typical of fusinite. Note also the preservation of the delicate structures of the parent plant.
Frame ID: MA34

Sample ID: Pittsburgh Seam, high volatile A bituminous coal, Pennsylvania
Maceral Group: Inertinite
Maceral Type: Fusinite and Semifusinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Fusinite and the lower reflectance semifusinite occurring together
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The brightest material in this frame is fusinite and the lower reflectance material is semifusinite. Note that both macerals have the characteristic open cell texture.
Frame ID: MA35

Sample ID: Elkhorn #3 Seam, Appalachian high volatile A bituminous coal, eastern Kentucky
Maceral Group: Inertinite
Maceral Type: Semifusinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: Three types of semifusinite.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The three kinds of material in the upper three-fourths of this frame are semifusinite. All three have open-cell structure and reflectances between that of vitrinite and fusinite, as is characteristic of these macerals. The darker layer at the bottom of the frame is vitrinite and the very bright particle full profile >>
Frame ID: MA36

Sample ID: Elkhorn #3 seam Appalachian high volatile A bituminous coal, eastern Kentucky
Maceral Group: Inertinite
Maceral Type: Secretinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: The bright round particles are secretinite macerals.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The two bright particles of secretinite (previously called resino-sclerotinite) show the high reflectance and lack of cell structure typical of these macerals. Similar macerals with a reflectance in the semifusinite range are called semi-macrinite.
Frame ID: MA37

Sample ID: Elkhorn #3 seam Appalachian high volatile A bituminous coal, eastern Kentucky
Maceral Group: Inertinite
Maceral Type: Funginite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: The donut shaped feature in the center of the frame is funginite.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The donut shaped feature in the center of the field is funginite and is believed to be derived from fungal material. The uniform gray material is vitrinite and the very bright stringer is fusinite.
Frame ID: MA38

Sample ID: Unnamed seam, high volatile C bituminous coal, Colorado
Maceral Group: Inertinite
Maceral Type: Funginite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: The multi-celled bodies in this frame are funginite.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The multi-celled bodies in this frame are funginite and are believed to be derived from fungal material. These features are not seen in coals of Carboniferous age.
Frame ID: MA39

Sample ID: Elkhorn #3 seam Appalachian high volatile A bituminous coal, eastern Kentucky
Maceral Group: Inertinite
Maceral Type: Micrinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: The fine-grained material is micrinite.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The fine grained material is micrinite. It is characterized by its high reflectance and very fine size. In this example, the form outlined by the fine particles is similar to cutinite and the micrinite may be derived from it.
Frame ID: MA40

Sample ID: Elkhorn #3 seam Appalachian high volatile A bituminous coal, eastern Kentucky
Maceral Group: Inertinite
Maceral Type: Micrinite
Magnification: As given
Illuminator: Vertical
Objective: 50x oil
Polarizer: In
Analyzer: Out
Retarder Plate: Out
Filter: None
Important Features: The fine-grained material is micrinite.
High Resolution Image (300 dpi)
Description: The fine grained material is micrinite. It is characterized by its high reflectance and very fine size. In this example, the forms outlined by the fine particles are similar to sporinite and the micrinite may be derived from altered sporinite.